

A brand new Education platform

Tuterz is a platform that connects high school students with fellow student tutors, while also offering a range of practical professional courses aimed at enhancing skills and knowledge. It offers flexibility, affordability, and accessibility.

Why Choose Tuterz?

Easy to Find

Lessons taught by students for students.

Affordable Rates
Students don’t have financial responsibilities and therefore tend to charge much less per lesson
All-in-One Solution
You’ll be able to find Tutors teaching everything from sciene to history.

About us

What Is Tuterz?

Tutors Marketplace

Connects students with the right tutors efficiently.

Tutors Model

Tutors set rates and manage schedules.

Professional Courses

Offers courses taught by industry experts.


About us

What Is Tuterz?

Tutors Marketplace

Connects students with the right tutors efficiently.

Community support

Builds a community where tutors and students can share tips, ask questions, and collaborate.

Professional Courses

Offers courses taught by industry experts.


How the Marketplace Works - Tutor view


Sign up to the website

Tutors set up their profiles with key details about themselves.

Mutual consensus & Payment

When the tutor and student accept, a certain amount of money will be charged from both.

Waiting for students or Browsing for students

Tutors can either wait for students to select them as tutors or actively search for students in the subjects they wish to teach.

Our courses

Professional Courses by Industry Experts

Discover a diverse selection of expert-led courses from university
lecturers and industry experts at Tuterz. Elevate your skills across various
fields and gain practical knowledge.


Our courses

Professional Courses by Industry Experts

Discover a diverse selection of expert-led courses from university
lecturers and industry experts at Tuterz. Elevate your skills across various
fields and gain practical knowledge.


How it works

Future Vision

Expanded Services

Group classes, workshops, and corporate learning.

Global Reach
Reaching worldwide with multilingual support and localized pricing.
Marketing Strategy
Targeting Gen Z and Millennials through social media, flyers and colabs with schools.

Business Model

Students Pay a Small Fee
Students who are seeking tutoring services on the Tuterz platform pay a small fee to get the contact info of the tutor and connect with him.
Tutors Pay a small fee

Only pay for successful

Professional courses
Users (both tutors and students) will be able to participate in classes led by experts in the industry.

Review From Our Students

Lauel Schmid

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Emma Hilden

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Jaime Hills

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Courses From home

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